Taking It Slow… ??

Hey to all! I have a ton of things happening outside of work right now, so it may look like the shop is slowing down a bit on the digitizing front. I’m still working, just rearranging my schedule a bit. Sometimes life just switches things up and it definitely has me traveling a lot right now. .

I’m still working as fast as my laptop allows whenever I can… even if it’s like tonight where it’s midnight on my days at home. I’m just along for the ride… What does this mean for you? …

It means our design list is changing a bit. We may not get to put out some of the holiday pieces we had planned for this spring season. There are several things in some stage of the digitizing process and I will continue to work on them as computer time allows. Our Easter designs may be few, so check in with us if you’re looking for something special. If we can move it to the front we will.

We do have a great theme that is still dropping any time now that we think so many of you are going to flip over!!!… I am pretty certain it’s going to be a huge hit for your tweens. You can see sneak peeks and have input on that kind of thing by joining our Facebook page and our EBD VIP group on Facebook.

Check out some of our recent designs below…

As always, let us know what you need, what you think, and what you like!

Happy Stitching.

Cheryl @ Easy Breezy Designs